New Year Goals For Your Practice

How Networking Can Help You Achieve Those Goals

A new year has begun and that probably means you have been thinking about the goals you want to set for your practice this year. Just like for yourself, setting goals for your business is key to success.

1 | Knowing Which Goals to Set

Before setting goals, it’s important to know where your business is at as this will inform where you can go. In other words, check all the data from last year and see what areas of your practice need improvement and what is doing well. 

Take a deeper look at those issues that need improvement. Ask yourself what could be causing a lack of success in those areas. Once you nail that down, you’ll have a better understanding of how to improve that issue, plus the goal(s) you should set to find better success. 

2 | Be Specific

It’s important to understand that the more specific you are with your goal, the better chance you have of reaching that goal. So the more time you spend organizing and working out the details now, the better it will be later on. For example, if you want to increase your profit margin, don’t be vague about it. Rather, identify the percentage increase you are aiming for. 

3 | Plan for Setbacks and Promote Accountability

Being overly optimistic and not planning for setbacks can leave you spinning in the wind. Remember, there will almost always be some circumstance you have no control over or your own missteps that can hold you back. Make a list of all the things that went wrong in the past and possible future pitfalls so you can prepare for them. 

Then be sure to keep you and your team accountable by setting deadlines for each step along the way to meeting your goals. Not only can it help you keep track of how close you are to attaining your goals, but it can also create a sense of urgency that compels you to complete the individual steps that help you reach your ultimate goal. 

4 | Reassess Regularly

Make sure that you are continually reassessing and keeping track of your progress. This will help you pinpoint actions that might not be working as well as you hoped and allow you to course correct. Consider having monthly meetings with your team to reassess, exchange feedback, and brainstorm ideas for next steps or adjustments. And don’t forget to celebrate the small victories along the way to help keep you motivated! 

5 | Your Top Goal Should be Networking!

Finally, no matter what your other goals are, the goal you should set every year is to network with your representatives, area practices, and even your chamber of commerce. Networking with others can improve every area of your practice and help you reach any other goal you set. Think about it–growing your network literally provides you access to deeper resources, a safety net, and even more new patients. It can also help you stay on top of the latest trends in your industry so you can be ready for whatever is around the corner. 

At Physician’s Liaison, we’ve been helping practices grow one handshake at a time since 2005. Our proven healthcare referral marketing methods can help promote your practice and introduce you to vetted prospective referrers. We take a dynamic approach, taking the time to understand your practice and tailor your message to the unique needs of your prospective referrers. Our unique methods expand your referral relationships while drastically reducing wasted time. But most importantly, we believe in building relationships that last! Visit our website to learn more or to contact us today to get started!