How to Leverage Relationships to Grow Your Practice

Referral Marketing for Sustainable Practice Growth

Good relationships are the foundation of your practice. Because of that, you probably spend a lot of time cultivating great relationships with your patients. But it’s not just about the relationships you have with your patients, it’s also about the relationships you have with referring practices. 

What is Referral Marketing and Why is it Important?

Referral marketing is the act of reaching out to prospective referrers in the hopes of building a relationship with them that will help grow your practice. Just like other types of marketing (such as advertising to prospective patients on Facebook), referral marketing is an essential part of any private practice business strategy. It can help grow your practice in a sustainable way. It can even help you weather economic downturns. 

Get a Physician’s Liaison

You know it’s important, but the idea of spending so much time tailoring your message and then taking the time to meet with different prospective referrers can be very time consuming. So much so that you may feel it eats into the time you spend cultivating relationships with your patients and running the day-to-day operations of your practice.

That is where a Physician’s Liaison can help! How do we help build relationships on your behalf? Think of us as your conduit.

How Physician’s Liaison Leverages Relationships for You!

Your Physician’s Liaison isn’t there to replace you, but rather to represent you. We take the time to learn about what makes your practice unique and what you have to offer. Then we use a dynamic approach by tailoring your message to prospective referrers. Once we have qualified the opportunity, we bring you in. 

Rest assured that we don’t just spend our time promoting you, but also listen attentively to what the prospective referrer has to share. Our representatives pay special attention for competitive information on existing referral patterns, strengths, weaknesses, or barriers that may exist. 

Our experts have taken on the role of Physician’s Liaison for nearly 20 years, helping to build lasting referral relationships one handshake at a time. Our unique referral marketing model expands a provider’s and practice’s referral relationships while drastically reducing wasted time. We take pride in representing you and your distinguished treatments, specializations, products, and services! 

But don’t just take it from us that leveraging relationships can help grow your practice. Many of our clients have benefited from referral marketing relationships that we made for them. We understand what the perfect formula is to build, maintain, and multiply referral relationships. 


We know you probably still have questions. Here are some answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about our referral marketing services.

Q: Do doctors or practices become upset that they are meeting with a Physician’s Liaison rather than meeting with another doctor?

A: That has not been our experience. We qualify the prospective referrer, rather than pull our client from their normal routine. Because we take the time to get to know your practice, we are able to answer key questions to assess whether or not the prospective doctor or practice is genuinely interested in meeting with our client. 

Q: How often do you make referrals?

A: Our representatives only manage a handful of clients at once. They are trained to have a plan for promoting only one client per visit in a single office. We also try to space out our visits so as not to upset or confuse an office. 

Q: Where do you refer currently; are you in my city or state?

A: While our corporate headquarters are in Denver, Colorado and our regional office is based in Dallas, Texas, we have representatives throughout the United States. Inquire with us to see if we are able to represent you. 

Q: Do you spend your time only promoting, or learning what could be better for referring patients?

A: Your Physician’s Liaison understands that in order to tailor your message to a prospective referrer’s needs, we need to listen attentively to the prospective referrer as well. We have a keen ear and are on the lookout for any information that will help us improve our marketing tactics and build better relationships. 

Let’s Talk!

Physician’s Liaison is proud to offer commission-free referrals and is committed to non-competing representation. Our goal is to help you succeed through leveraging referral relationships. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your practice grow.